STEP 1: Profile

Pastoral Profile for FBC Colville
  • A humble man who himself has a personal, vital, and growing relationship with the Lord.
  • A man who has demonstrated the ability to develop healthy, loving, and caring relationships with God's people.
  • A man who has demonstrated the ability to feed God's people so that they grow spiritually.
  • A man who has demonstrated the ability to provide oversight and vision for Deacons and other Church leaders so that the church and its various ministries are provided with good spiritual leadership.
  • A man who has demonstrated the ability to gain people's respect based on the life that he lives.
  • In complete agreement with our church's doctrinal statement.
  • Not in disagreement with our leadership model. (We are congregational rule and are not looking to change that.)
  • In agreement with our church's missions policy.
  • Pastor who has a passion for: Outreach, Evangelism, Discipleship, and Music
  • Balanced approach to music, both hymns and contemporary.

STEP 2: Resume

The Pulpit Committee begins accepting resumes for potential candidates.

*Click the Link below to see full resume for our current candidate, 
Dr. Kraig Keck.

STEP 3: Interview

The chairman initiates a pre-interview over the phone. This is followed up with an exhaustive questionnaire, and then an in-person interview with the entire Pulpit Committee.  The potential candidate and his wife attend a Sunday Service and survey the surrounding area.  After all of this, if the Pulpit Committee feels confident in the potential candidate, they will extend a formal invitation to come candidate for the entire congregation.



The Candidate will come and speak in both the Adult Sunday School class as well as the Morning Worship Service.

Sunday, June 25
- Teaching Adult Sunday School - 9:15am
- Preaching for the Morning Worship - 10:30am


There will be a designated evening for an interactive Questions and Answer time between the congregation and the Candidate.  This will be moderated by Pastor David, and questions will be accepted from Church Members.  While only Church Members will be permitted to ask questions at this time, all are welcome to attend.

Saturday, June 24
- Informal Q&A (Come and Go as you please) - 2pm - 5pm

Sunday, June 25
- Formal Q&A - 6pm


At this informal gathering, all will be able to interact with the Candidate and his wife.

Sunday, June 25
- Ice Cream Social - 7:30pm

Monday, June 26
- Meet and Greet (Open House) - 1pm - 3pm


Dr. Kraig and Laura Keck

Kraig has been married to his best friend, Laura, for 30 years, and they have four adult children. After pastoring for 18 years in Colorado and Minnesota, he taught Biblical Counseling at Faith Baptist Bible College in Ankeny, IA for the past 3 years. His wife Laura was the Assistant Dean of Women at Faith Baptist Bible College for the past 3 years as well.
Dr. Keck has been certified by the Association of Certified Biblical Counselors for over 15 years, and he has been adjunct faculty at Central Baptist Theological Seminary since 2017.
He enjoys wilderness backpacking out West; college football; outdoor cooking with a dutch oven; camping, visiting National Parks, and vacationing with his family; hanging out with his wife; and eating at McDonald’s.

  • B.A., Northland Baptist Bible College
  • M.Div., Calvary Baptist Theological Seminary
  • Certification in Biblical Counseling, Association of Certified Biblical Counselors
  • D.Min. Westminster Theological Seminary

  • Adjunct Faculty, Northland Baptist Bible College West
  • Bible Conference and Training Seminars
  • Adjunct Faculty, Central Theological Seminary, Plymouth, Minnesota
  • Program Coordinator, Lead Counselor, Counselor, Northland Camp & Conference Center, Dunbar, Wisconsin
  • Pastoral Assistant, First Bible Baptist Church, Green Bay, Wisconsin
  • Editor, Positive Action for Christ, Rocky Mount, North Carolina
  • Assistant Pastor, Beth Eden Baptist Church, Wheat Ridge, Colorado
  • Lead Pastor, Chisago Lakes Baptist Church, Chisago City, Minnesota
  • Faculty, Faith Baptist Bible College
  • Adjunct Faculty, Faith Baptist Theological Seminary